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In the past I've thought of August as my personal New Year. Forget about January and resolutions and all that. August, my birthday month, is time for me to start fresh, change a few things, challenge myself, set goals....
One goal I'm setting is to stop being so negative. Holy cow, am I a negative nellie. My husband has used the word 'contradictory' to describe me more than once or twice in the past few months and it's sadly so true. So, yeah, think POSITIVE (hopefully).
Also, as I'm hoping to get a smart camera for my birthday (39 - how the heck did that happen?!?), I want to do more with my pictures. I've kind of become an Instagram junkie and there I discovered a project called August Break 2013 - a daily photo challenge. You can take pics of whatever tickles your lens but there are some great prompts, too.
I'm going to try to post here everyday but will catch up. I should be able post everyday on Instagram as @eatcraftcuddle, though. I hope!
I didn't hear about it until this afternoon but managed to come up with a breakfast photo...
I love eggs. Eggs any way I can get them. Emmett loves them, too. Well, at least he loves them scrambled. Thank goodness, because Matt hates them. Emmett is a little whiz at cracking them. The smile - grin, really - on his face when he pushes his thumbs into the egg to crack it makes picking out the shells worthwhile!
Goodness, it's taken me all afternoon/evening to finish this post! With Emmett and Allie, I feel like I should get a standing ovation for finishing even the smallest task. Heck, it's taken me twenty-five minutes and three attempts to write this paragraph alone. It's tomorrow already!!