a lot of the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I made from this recipe yesterday. Oddly, though, mine did not turn out quite as oatmeal-y as hers - but they're good.
...not really knitting...
anything. I just recast on a sweater for Buddy. Considering that he still has some growing to do, I started out with a medium. After finishing the back and trying it on him and laughing I decided to start over with the small which will still give him room to grow.
for a good book. I have a decent list going but the library where I used to live beats the pants off the library out here where nearly everything I look for is nonexistent (or has 12 holds on one copy). On a walk with Buddy this morning I did start listening to The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown.
...looking forward...
to the Wool Gathering. I bought wool wash and a pattern last year because nothing really struck my fancy but this year I'm tempted by pretty sock patterns on Ravelry. I'm determined to like knitting socks.
to hot apple cider and Captain Morgan Spiced Rum. I bought a half gallon of cider the other day and am just waiting for a night that's just cool enough to make of mug of this and sit on the porch.
to the season premiere of The Office.
a lot. I really miss Matt and it almost physically hurts how much I want to get on with my life. And not live with my parents.

...hating...that squirrel season started here on the first of September. I would not know this if the fall issue of Wild Ohio had not shown up in the mail box today. I've looked at past issues and they were about viewing and enjoying wildlife - this one, on the other hand, was all about hunting them and even included a recipe for Squirrel Pot Pie. Gross.
Buddy flatulence. Seriously. Evil.
being thought of. My friend Kim sent me these fantastic stitch
markers along with some sushi flavored lip jelly ("for raw lips") that
I'm happy to say does not taste like sushi. How freaking cute is that
little acorn!?
to hear something about my visa some day soon.
...going to curl up on the couch with the latest issue of Real Simple...