Monday, April 25, 2011

N'Orleans, Dragon Slayers and Babies

Vacations with babies are not really vacations.

I learned that on my trip to the states last week. If anything, it's the complete opposite as it's just that much harder to get ready for the day when you're either in a hotel or somewhere that's not your own home. I forgot something every single time we left the house - sometimes they were almost crucial things ("almost" because I never forgot food or nappies)

Regardless, we saw lots of family and Emmett met lots of people that love him very much. My parents packed in several months of grandparenting in two weeks. I cried a lot - felt stretched thin, tired and more homesick than I do when I'm away from home. I laughed a lot, too, and caught up on places and things to eat that I missed. One week in New Orleans for my brother's wedding, though, meant only one week in Dayton and that was just not enough time so I missed out on a lot of people and things. I'll be back soon, though. Emmett is a good traveler and both Matt and myself feel really good about my flying back alone with Little E in a few months. I hope that works out but I've already looked at tickets and it's just painful how expensive they are in the summer.

Could I Be Any Cooler

I started this post nine days ago! Ridiculous. Why I didn't just post it as is, I have no idea.

Anyway, this is Emmett looking uber cool in his sunnies.

Jackson Square

This is us at Jackson Square.

NOLA Grafitti

And this is some cool graffiti I happened to catch. It was hidden behind a shutter.

It's Easter Monday here in England which means another day off. Between Easter, bank holidays and the royal wedding, there are more holidays than work days this week. Alas, not for Matt. He had to work so Emmett and I headed off to the St. George Festival on our own this morning. Here he is with his little flag, fresh from a bottle break...

Emmett's First St. George

I cannot believe he's going to be six months old on Friday. It doesn't seem possible that he was ever anything but what he is now - the memory of him as a tiny baby is already so distant. I kiss him and tell him I love him a hundred times a day and I mean it more each and every time. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful family.