Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Instant Gratification Dinosaur

At (the much needed) knit group on Sunday, I got lots of progress done on the dinosaur I'm knitting for Emmett but it still needs a tail and all four legs and I felt the need for some instant gratification so out came the hook.

Dinky Dino

I found this dinky dino in the new patterns on Ravelry and it's designedby Ana Paula Rimoli (Ravlink). I've always gotten a kick out of her creations but I don't think I've ever crocheted one. This guy certainly calmed my need for instant gratification as I was able to make him up in a day with a little cooperation from Emmett. Most of the time, I'm pretty much hands on, ready to wrestle and play whenever he likes but yesterday I needed him to be a little more independent. And, thankfully, for the most part, he was.


Sadly, Emmett really has no interest in the finished product. I wonder if it's because he saw me "playing" with it all day or if it's, more likely, that he's really just not interested. He does have a few favorite stuffed animals, though, so I have hope that one day one of the ones I make for him will join that group!

Aerial View
Of all the photos I took at the cathedral today, this is my favorite:

In the Pushchair
I was just looking at my blog and the sidebars are SO out of date! The blurb about me says that I'm recently married...we just celebrated our third anniversary. The book list link is for 2010. Good Omens is on my Bedside Table and I (sadly) abandoned that ages ago (but should give it a try again if I can find it). It all needs a serious update. I have an idea for a new blog header, too. I had been contemplating switching to a free blog since I blog so infrequently but - too late! My auto-renewal came and went without me noticing so it's time to get my money's worth.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Baking is Sanity

Jubilee Cupcakes

Over the first weekend of June everything here was red, white and blue bunted for the Jubilee. I jumped on the bandwagon a bit late but still managed to find some (totally overpriced) bunting, a cake stand and little Union Jack sugar decorations for a quick celebratory fix.

Jubilee Cupcake
I've always kind of liked to bake but over the past month I've found out it's not just a "kind of" thing any more. I need it. It keeps me sane. After making cupcakes one night before Matt got home from work, I realized that I felt happier than I had before I mixed up the ingredients and popped them in the oven. Emmett joins in sometimes, too, with his own shaker of demerera sugar and hundreds and thousands that he sprinkles into a small bowl of flour and stirs with a spoon, and I love when he does but I really love baking by myself. I'm not great at slowing down and following directions but I'm trying and have had fewer catastrophes than usual, thank goodness.

While my parents were here a couple of weeks ago, Mom bought me a cake decorating kit. The Jubilee cupcakes were a quickie job - just a simple swirl and a store bought decoration - but I'm looking forward to baking a cake and really having at it with the icing bag.

I've been trying to keep a cleaner house, too, in order to find a little more happiness. My mom is amazing when it comes to coming up with great organizational ideas so having her here was the jump start I've needed for awhile. Things aren't exactly where I'd like them to be but they're getting there. And it's working. A tidy living room and and a clear kitchen makes me wake up a happier Mommy.

So does Emmett's recent nap schedule. I'm really hoping these two hour naps continue. Some times he wakes up halfway through and needs Mommy's shoulder but, more often, he sleeps through and I get some much needed me time. Hopefully more time to blog which would also make me happier. And knit - I've been working on a dino for Emmett for a couple of months now and I'm totally in love with it but progress is slow.

I've been reading a lot lately, though. Like a crazy amount. A few faves: The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown, The Travelling Matchmaker Series by M.C. Beaton, Call the Midwife by Jennifer Worth, Delirium  by Lauren Oliver and On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves. FIction, romance, YA distopian fiction, self published novels - I've been devouring them. Any recommendations?

I think I might try to change the blog layout around, too. A fresh start since it's been so long. Let's start with actually getting to blog once in awhile, though....

P.S. My bunting is still hanging in the window. I like it so much I might just leave it there...at least until the Olympics are over. :)
