Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lucy (and Mina) in the Sky

Lucy in the Sky I didn't get a good photo of Mina before she left but Lucy's has a certain jailhouse look to it, doesn't it?  I dropped them off at the cargo center at four for their eight o'clock flight (and we complain that we have to check in early) and then found out their flight was delayed two hours.  I was already feeling bad about how long they were going to be in their kennels...I really don't like the idea of two more hours.  Hopefully they'll sleep most of the time.  And they each have half of a towel that I slept with for several days so that it would smell like me.  Not they they're entirely happy with me right now.... I'm also consoling myself with the thought that, most days, Lucy lays in one spot and doesn't move for hours.  I'll just try not to think about the fact that she normally could get up and walk around if she wanted to.

It seems weird to think that I won't be going downstairs to spend an hour to two with them tonight.  Mom just poured herself a glass of water and I thought, "I need to fill their water bowls."  Sigh.

Matt already has a great little set up for them - I asked him to send photos - and I know he'll shower them with lots of attention.  And, after two months of staying in my parents' basement, they're going to love all of the sunny windows.  Still, it'll be strange to see them on his side of the camera when we do a Skype chat tomorrow.

Wish I was going to be on that flight with them....

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I can't even look at that picture, much less read the post. Hope they'll have a wonderful trip.
