Friday, October 2, 2009

Settling In

I know it's only been two days but I'm still bowled over by random thoughts of, "This is where I live" - a statement that has randomly ended with a period, exclamation point or question mark.

We're already working on making the flat "ours" and made an exploratory trip to the IKEA in Southampton today.  We managed to come home with chocolates, my third mini pink hippo, two baskets for the bathroom and the thought that we might come back after we've done a little more with what we have.  Speaking of what we have - my stuff arrived the day after I got here.  Eighty boxes are stuffed into the conservatory.  Matt's going to work tomorrow so I'm going to attempt to start unpacking the kitchen.  Considering we packed all of our wedding gifts within a handful of days of receiving them, it's going to be like opening them all over again. Fun!

I haven't been online much since I got here but I'm looking forward to catching up on some blogs and email tomorrow, too.  And knitting on the new bag I started Wednesday.  Sunday afternoon is the Salisbury knit together and I'm really looking forward to walking over to meet some new people and, hopefully, make a few new friends. 

All in all, things have been good so far.  I just have this thought in the back of my head, though, that one day I'm going to realize without a doubt that I do indeed live here and I wonder how that's going to make me feel....


  1. Glad you made it safely Emily! Good luck with all the settling in - sound exciting (if tireing!) EIGHTY boxes? Wow!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you're there Emily! I'm sure it's an emotional thing to be so far from everything you know, but dive into it! You haven't lost anything - you've just gained a whole new life of experiences and places. Love it for everything it is!
