Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Christmas Eléphant

Considering that it's already Christmas here in Salisbury, you'd think I'd be typing up the obligatory Merry Christmas post.


The other day Matt gave me one of my Christmas presents a little early: Tamie Snow's Tiny Yarn Animals.  I immediately crocheted up the little hippo that was the reason Matt picked out the book but I still have to photograph him because, sadly, his much larger four legged friend, the elephant, was my next project and we fell madly in love.  Meet Eléphant, my very favorite amigurumi ever....


Éléphant - Side View

Tip O' the Trunk

I made a few modifications to the original pattern like making his ears a little bigger and pointing his trunk happily toward the sky and - ack - he's just adorable. 

His scarf is green and background is red so I think this passes as a Christmas post, don't you?

Merry Christmas to all of my friends,

both near and far!!

Lots of love,




  1. Merry Christmas to you too! ugh - I love Tammy Snow and I LOVE that little elephant! and your pictures are always so fantastic!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and Matt, Emily :-)
    ...and I'm clicking the agree with Chris button!
