Saturday, January 1, 2011

Dear Emmett,

My friend Kim is taking on an awesome project, 52 Weeks, 52 Letters, for 2011. It appealed to me immediately - I love collecting stationary and writing letters and before I'd even finished reading the post I was mentally compiling a list of potential friends and family that I could write to and had even come up with a couple of teachers that really deserve long overdue thank you letters.

After talking to Matt about it, though, reality struck. I can't commit to that. Not this year. But he came up with an alternative that I'm even more excited about. Believe it or not, the hardest part would be getting to the post office considering that 99.99% of my letters would be going overseas and would need to be weighed. Matt's suggestion was to write letters to Emmett and I can't wait to get started! Sure, some weeks might just be a little postcard with something special that he did that week or just to say how much I love him but I look forward to writing real letters as well. He may never feel the need to read them (but I hope that he does) but I know I'd enjoy looking at them over the years.

And if I were to write him a letter now I'd talk about this:

So Cute

He's taking a nap on the couch and keeps crossing his little feet - so cute!

This post is my attempt to continue to talk about my life since Emmett is my life right now as some of you suggested in my last post (thank you!) while keeping it a little crafty as well (I think letter writing is craftly, anyway).

And I think I'm going to take advantage of this nap and get a little crafty with some crochet!

Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. Nothing can be cuter than those little crossing feet!
    Glad you're undertaking the letter project --- I wrote journals to both Briton and Hannah when I was pregnant with them. Your letters will mean as much to you as to him.

  2. I started writing to Grace when I was pregnant, what great motivation to get back to it!

  3. Kim your doing a fantastic work.. Its a beautiful work that inspired me a lot..Im gonna try this for sure.. All the best for upcoming projects.. Happy days!!!
