Thursday, May 12, 2011

Got My New Shoes On

I'm a Croc fan. My pregnant feet loved them and they are about all I've worn for the past year.


This is my latest pair, bought for me by my Dad while we were in Ohio. My mom and dad both love them, too, and we tried a pair on Emmett but he's a bit too small. He can have his first pair next trip. And when he does he needs one of the cool new 3-D Jibbitz like this one.


I've never been one for charms on my Crocs but when I found this little squirrel, I had to have him. While Dad was paying, I was going to the car to get a cooler outfit for Emmett but Mom told me later that he also bought a squirrel for himself and one for Emmett...and he choked up a little bit. He does that a lot now and has since he turned fifty but still - it's really sweet. He also bought E a crazy Croc toy that's a shoe with arms and legs since he's too small for his own pair. It's creepy but kinda cute.

I just searched the Croc store for a Jibbitz using the word "yarn". Yeah, they're not quite that cool yet.


  1. oh man I used to be so anti Croc, but now I'm a fan - and your new ones with the little stripey trim are adorable! i also love that toy - the commercial with those guys hugging the lady when she came home was also sort of creepy but cute!
    I love seeing dads become grandpas - it's just a side of them you've never seen before!
