Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A WIP and Miscellaneous Chitter Chatter

This project is taking so long that I thought I might just post a wip photo.

Basil the Brontosaurus finally has a head. Maybe he'll get a tail at knit group on Sunday.

At the end of September I'll have lived here for three years yet I still haven't unpacked several of my boxes. Virtually none of my craft stuff boxes were even opened (except for those that were marked "knitting") as there wasn't really anywhere to put any of it. This past weekend, though, Matt dug out a few and I started going through them. I don't want to unpack it all but I would like to have a shelf or two of the things I really miss. Annoyingly, I know I've bought things here that I already own.

This is one of the things I was so happy to have found: the Emily the Strange messenger bag I bought in Nashville years ago.


It might become the latest diaper bag.

We also went to Hobbycraft this past Sunday and I stocked up on crafty things to do with/for Emmett. He's not really old enough to do much other than finger painting and coloring but I did buy some wooden spoons, pom poms, pipe cleaners and googly eyes to make some puppets - he might be into helping me clue on pom poms. Plus I found a cardboard house with a car, two trees and a table andd chairs that comes blank for decorating. I told him he was allowed the car. Maybe the trees and the furniture, too, but the house is mine to decorate. Months ago, I had grand plans for a Build A Bear box and bought all of the things to make it into a little house but I never really get around to doung much to it. I have lots to oomph to start a project but not much of it or time to finish one. Matt and I have also talked about making me a place to work on the dollhouse my dad and I built before I moved here. I'd love to at least get it painted. I didn't come across any of my boxes of dollhouse stuff so they're still out there somewhere.

Argh, my little sugar booger (I wonder what he'll think of that name in years to come) is tossing and turning a bit which means the nap is close to ending!

Best Grin Ever-001

1 comment:

  1. Ooh goodness he's so big!! Opening boxes after three years must be like Christmas!!
