I've been wondering whether or not to mention the earthquake in Haiti here. After a lot of thought, I decided not to for very personal reasons that I won't go into now because this isn't that kind of blog. I just discovered something simple, though, that has made me change my mind. While browsing the pattern page on Ravelry, I found a link to a list of patterns created by designers who are contributing some or all of their proceeds to a range of charities involved in earthquake relief. Forty-one pages of patterns which I'm pointing out not in a "look at all the choices!" kind of way but in a "look at all the generous people" kind of way. You can even sort them by items in your queue or that you have in your favorites.
I purchased one of Marnie McLean's patterns. Pop Cap Games did a thing yesterday where the proceeds from all game proceeds went to the relief support, and a friend is doing a "donate your wages" day on January 22nd. It's fascinating to see who and what is going on in support.