I promise to reply to emails in a timely manner, to post a bit more often and to start commenting on blogs where I often just lurk.
No, this isn't a resolution to be a better internet friend - it's an announcement that our little house is finally wireless! Before today I had to use the desktop computer on the third floor which was okay but it's incredibly cold up there these days. Plus I had to download photos to my laptop and then transfer them to the desktop using a USB drive which was getting a bit monotonous. I also hadn't updated any iTouch apps or downloaded any beloved podcasts since September and I really missed Ira Glass. I found myself longing to catch up on blogs and click around Ravelry
from the comfort of our bed or even tucked up under a blanket on the
Cry me a river, I know.
Anyway, we checked out the new year sales today and - woo hoo! - I'm watching Nevermind the Buzzcocks (Josh Groban is really funny - who knew? and who knew that I would so quickly get to the point where an American accent would sound strange?) reruns and blogging in bed.
My real resolutions? Keep the fish tank cleaner (have I mentioned that Mina and Lucy have their own pets? They do and their names are, cleverly, Lucyfish and Minafish) and not leave my clothes lying about.
Yay for wireless! There is nothing wrong with wanting to curl up in bed with the laptop rather than being cold up on the third floor. :)