There's been a lack of color around here lately...unless you count the pretty blue we painted the spare bedroom earlier this week. I'm so ready for spring. While we were at Stourhead last week we read that they've already counted twenty or so blooming plants. The roundabout down the street is full of yellow crocus and there are snowdrops everywhere. I saw bundles of daffodils with their buds still shut tight at M&S this morning for, I think, a mere 99p. I might have to go back and pick up a couple of bunches tomorrow.
Mom and Dad arrive in just a little over two weeks! There's still so much to do but I feel pretty good about the things we've done so far. There's still lots of deep cleaning to do - living on a busy street wreaks more havoc than I ever could have imagined - but we're so happy with the spare bedroom that, after Mom and Dad leave, we're going to move into it ourselves while we get our bedroom done. Or maybe we'll just stay there. It's at the back of the house which means we'll, hopefully, no longer hear drunken kids stumbling, singing and yelling to their cars.
Ginny left a great idea/comment on my last post: to tag other people so that we could find out their knitting stories as well. I'm not a great tagger because I'm not really sure who reads this but if you are, you're tagged! I'd love to know how others let yarn into their lives.
And I wish I could say the above photo was taken recently and near here but it's actually from our Rome trip last May. I don't think I've ever done a Rome post even though I have hundreds of terrace photos - I should do that some day.
oh, I'd kill for just one crocus bloom right now!!