Thursday, May 23, 2013

{beautiful design - knit fail}

I have a new favourite designer on Ravelry - Yarn-Madness. Her baby/toddler/children's patterns are absolutely adorable! Right after Alice was born I started knitting a Baby Blizzard but put it aside to crochet a rabbit requested by my mom in hopes of finishing it before she went home (didn't happen). I just pulled the Blizzard back out's already too small! I started the three month size and am not one for worrying too much about gauge. Ah, well.

I love the yarn, though, and the stitch pattern that's done on one side so I think I'll try the largest size eventually. I have three of her other patterns queued already: Tagg, Surpris and Morpheus.

First I probably should sew buttons on and take pictures of what I already have knitted (LOTS) before they're all too small as well!

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I'm writing this using the BlogPress app so that I can still post easily via my phone but include links which the Blogger app doesn't provide. It's not as pretty as the Blogger app and I can't find a preview option so I'll be interested to see how this turns out! I just figured out one downside: you have to have your tags preset on Blogger because you can't add new ones on this app. Bit of a pain but we'll see.

P.S. found the preview!

Emily x

1 comment:

  1. That yarn is great! I love her adult Vandrare sweater and the thermos hat - but I need another hat like I need a hole in my head and I can't seem to get more than a couple inches into a sweater lately! Good luck with the bigger size - it must be hard to keep ahead of growing babies - it's like they grow faster than you can knit!
