Tuesday, May 7, 2013

{plans but no promises}

I was quite pleased to see this Tolstoy quote when I took a sneaky peek at the page for May on my calendar several days ago. 

Spring is the time of plans and projects.

Over the past few months, I've been thinking a lot about blogging and what it means to me now. I've been blogging for about ten years in one place or another. I started with a personal blog at DiaryLand (which would probably be pretty embarassing to read now if it still existed) and then moved to LiveJournal where I also started a craft blog. Then the craft blog became my only blog - mixing both the crafty and personal - and I moved to Typepad where I've been ever since, under either the name Dainty Kitty or Viking Tea Party. Then I had a baby and the blogging slowed down. I just checked and I've posted 43 times in two and a half years. In my second to last post I announced that I was pregnant with my second. As I type this, she's three weeks old and snoring away in her travel cot. Sigh.

I decided to make one more move to Blogger because I just couldn't see paying £40 odd pounds per year to Typepad for a blog I wasn't using. I didn't want to give it up totally because it wasn't that I didn't want to blog at all. I miss it and sometimes find myself composing posts while I'm doing the dishes or some other chore that means putting my hands on a laptop is impossible. I want to blog more. I knitted like a crazy, two needled fiend in the the last few months of my pregnancy with Alice. Cardigans and hats - LOTS of hats - galore! I want to take pretty photos of each project and share them. Thanks to my parents who are here visiting, I've even done a bit of sewing since she was born: a curtain for our non-functional fireplace and a sweet pair of bloomers for the baby girl.  So that's the 'craft' part of the new name. 'Eat', well, I love to bake. It keeps me sane. Later today I have plans to make a three layer dark chocolate cake with cream cheese icing and I can't wait. And 'cuddle' - I have a two and a half year old and a newborn so there's lots of cuddling.

I'm not going to make myself any promises but I want this to be place I get to visit a little more often. I want to make it cosy and simple and full of things that I like. I want to find a voice I'm comfortable with for who I am now: a wife and mother, a woman in her late thirties, a knitter/crocheter/sewer/hands in this and that, an American living in England...but we'll see. Lots of plans but no promises.

Emily x