Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cider Post No. 1

CIDER Matt and I sampled a couple of ciders from Southampton Somerset (correction madedays later - cider goes straight to my head and fiddles with my fingertips) tonight after he got home from work.  A little to dry for the tastes of either of us but still incredibly drinkable. 

Did you know that Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova of Once fame have an album out/coming out?  Yet again, something I should have known about but had to hear about on Facebook.  NPR is streaming the entire thing until October 27th - I listened to two of the songs and will hopefully be picking up the album tomorrow as I think it's already been released here*.  They're coming to the O2 in London in January and I'm really looking forward to seeing them.  If you've yet to watch Once for whatever reason, I highly recommend it. 

Speaking of concerts and the O2 - as an early Christmas treat from Matt's mum, Matt, my sister-in-law Laura, and I are going to see Bill Bailey's Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra in December.  I feel like everyone should know who Bill Bailey is but I know my friends back in the states probably don't know who he is so here are some helpful links: Cockney Music, Kraftwerk, Pub Jokes, Dueling Xylophone.  All right, enough.  I'm very excited - he's hysterical.  And - yikes! - it's after one - off to bed(ish)....

*Nope, I was wrong - it's not out until the end of the month.  Argh.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you tried cider. I love cider. I'm not sure I've had anything "dry", but I'm still glad you enjoyed.
