Monday, October 5, 2009

Meeting New People, Seeing New Things & Being Out and About On My Own

I felt a little overwhelmed yesterday for the first time.  I really thought I would stay in "oh, I'm on vacation" mode for at least a week but, no, I woke up grumpy and a  Thank goodness for understanding husbands and happy pills.  I had actually forgotten to take mine for a couple of days which, I'm sure, didn't really help with the feeling of being overwhelmed. 

Some Sunday I'll take a photo of the Sunday papers here because the papers in the States just do not compare.  We picked up three yesterday and spent the morning relaxing in bed - my favorite way to spend a Sunday.  My original idea was to walk over to Starbucks by myself to meet the knitting group but I'd yet to go in to town alone and my mood wasn't exactly ideal for meeting new people so Matt and I walked over just so that I could say hi and meet everyone.  And by everyone I mean lots of people - for you Daytonians, it reminded me a lot of the early, crowded Brown Street days but with more seating.  Anyway, it was nice to finally put faces to Ravelry names and I really, really can't wait for the next meet up.

After Starbucks we drove out to Matt's favorite walk, Pepperbox Hill.  It was a little gloomy yesterday but I snapped a few photos as we walked up the ridiculously steep hill, around and back down again.

Cathedral small
The cathedral, which is right across the street from our flat - I can see the spire from the window here on the third floor - is near the center there, a bit to the left.

Purple flower small copy 

One small copy 

Path small copy 

This is the path back down Pepperbox Hill and the road that leads back to Salisbury.  

There's a folly here as well but we saved that for another visit.

So I mentioned that my original plan yesterday was to go in to town by myself but, when you get right down to it, I chickened out, right?  Well, I walked to the grocery alone today!  I have to admit, I took the long way at first to avoid crossing the road and then only crossed the road when the signal said it was okay or if someone else was crossing because I still can't get used to looking in a new direction and I'm sometimes not even sure where a car might be coming from.  Silly, I know.  I'm a bit paranoid, too, and felt like everyone could peg me as a non-native - especially the check out lady at Tesco who took a good long look at me more than once which made me feel like I was doing something wrong.  Even though the language is the same, things here really are very different.  And, of course, I completely forgot the diet Coke I walked there for but I did get the makings for salsa and veggie burgers for lunch tomorrow so it wasn't a complete failure.  

Anyway, lots to do.  One more box and the kitchen is completely unpacked!


  1. How nice that you've got a ready-made circle of knitters to welcome you Emily (I heart Ravelry),..and with lots of seating and coffee! :o)
    I totally understand being afraid to cross the road without someone else clueing you in; I almost got creamed by a bus when I was in London - eek!
    Just keep breathing and saying "all shall be well, all shall be well" and pooh on Tesco lady *grin*

  2. Welcome to the UK Emily! Was really nice to meet you at the weekend, I think you're going to settle in with us Brits in no time :) I can totally relate to the road-crossing problem, I'm exactly the same when I go abroad! See you soon.

  3. Ah, these are the great stories I wanted to hear! I'd be the same way you are - wanting to go explore, but also kinda scared to death! it'll get better - everyone will love you! how couldn't they!? oh, and I get exactly the same look when I pay for takeout at the Taqueria Mixteca - I always feel like I must be doing something wrong, or offending their culture or something - so there, it can happen right down the street! I'm sure it was her, not you!
