Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Very Lucky Woman

Salisbury - Cathedral Close 2

I took this photo - my very first in England - of the cathedral close one year ago today.  When I took it, I had no idea that I'd be living across the street in less than a year.  By the time I flew back to Ohio two weeks later I knew that I'd be living there eventually but could have never imagined it would all happen so fast. 


  1. That's beautiful. And I hope your life continues to work so well for you.

  2. I loved the cathedral when we visited. I took a bunch of pictures of those arches too!
    I can't help but see so many similarities in our situations, except I think you did a bit bigger jump than I did. I met my husband through my brother while I was in Australia (I'm an Aussie.) My hubby is American. We talked on the phone for about 3 months, finally met in person, and then a couple of months later I was living with him in South Australia. It wasn't as big a move as yours because I was still in my own country - but it was scary, different, isolating.
    Speaking from experience, I can tell you it will get better. You will get settled in and while you will always miss "home" it eases up a little bit. Give it time...and allow yourself to have some of those funk days. :)
